How To Lock Any Folder Without Software
Hello friends, Now I am here by which you can lock your files without using any software or without download any software by using some simple steps you can do this, Its very easy task dont worry its not hard. Follow given below snap shot pictures step by step and you can also do this without any software. Lets go.
Hello friends, Now I am here by which you can lock your files without using any software or without download any software by using some simple steps you can do this, Its very easy task dont worry its not hard. Follow given below snap shot pictures step by step and you can also do this without any software. Lets go.
- First copy this code from below:-
cls@ECHO OFFtitle Folder BjaberLockif EXIST "COMPUTING Locker" goto UNLOCKif NOT EXIST BjaberLock goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRMecho Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)set/p "cho=>"if %cho%==Y goto LOCKif %cho%==y goto LOCKif %cho%==n goto ENDif %cho%==N goto ENDecho Invalid choice.goto CONFIRM:LOCKren BjaberLock "COMPUTING Locker"attrib +h +s "COMPUTING Locker"echo Folder lockedgoto End:UNLOCKecho Enter password to unlock folderset/p "pass=>"if NOT %pass%== Bjaber goto FAILattrib -h -s "COMPUTING Locker"ren "COMPUTING Locker" BjaberLockecho Folder Unlocked successfullygoto End:FAILecho Invalid passwordgoto end:MDLOCKERmd BjaberLockecho BjaberLock created successfullygoto End:End
- Now Follow given below snap shots.
- First create a text document in any folder.
- Then open text document file and paste that code which is you copied from beginning and if you want to change password than change password, see given below snap shot.
- Now save that text document in .bat file see given below snap shot, how to save this file.
- After that double click on that file which you save, see given below snap shot.
- After double clicking on locker.bat file a window will appear on your screen type "y" and enter like given below snap shot.
- Now hide locker file.
- Then type your password to unlock this file and press enter.
- Enjoy.
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