Thursday, August 4, 2016

Get Free Unlimited Facebook Likes For Status Profile Pictures And Pages

Get Free Unlimited Facebook Likes For Status Profile Pictures And Pages

How to maximize facebook likes?

Facebook is the one of the most popular social networking website where user can share status to their friends in a single click. There is no need to describe more about fb.While sharing status on facebook, all may have a dream to get maximum likes to their status. Think that you are changing your profile picture. Some times you may get only 10 or 20 likes even if you have hundreds of friends. This is not your or your friends problem. Its only due to large sharing of status from friends, pages, or from groups.


Here I am sharing some steps to get maximum likes for your status and profile pictures.
Getting likes can be of two styles
  •  Real Likes
  •  Fake Likes
First Discuss about getting real likes for your status.

Methods for making real likes for facebook status and profile pictures

1. Tagging friends make more facebook likes

Tagging means including friends in your photo. You can tag up to 50 friends in your picture. while you tag friends, your friend’s friend can also like your pic.
In order to do that you need to make your pic as public. Here is also a small trick in tagging. You can tag up to 50 friends at a time.  After you tag 50 friends remove all 50 friends after two or three days. Then re tag another 50 friends. Try this tagging process till all you friends get tagged in your pic.
Sure you may get at lest 500 likes if you have 1000 friends.

2. Commenting makes more likes in facebook

Commenting is one of the method which is unknown to many fb users to maximise likes. I will explain how. While you share a status it will see in others home page in the order they get posted. Due to large amount of updation from friends your status may go at last. In order to make visible first , to all friends home page you need to comment. Another advantage of commenting is that it will shown on the notification link
Try to reply to all friends comments and increase your likes.

3. Allow subscribers (main step for getting likes on facebook)

This is the main step with which you can get thousands of likes for your status or photos. Every time you post something, you choose who to share it with. When you make your post public, anyone can see it, and your friends and followers can get it in news feed. A single public declaration of your privacy won’t allow all facebook users to like your photo.
Think that if you share link of your photo to a group or page, subscribers of that page or group can’t like or comment your photo. For that you need to turn on follow option. to do click on following link.
After follow get turn on you will get likes from every unknown facebook users.

Methods for making fake likes for facebook status

1. Use LIKE exchange websites for getting likes

I will not recommend this method because by using this method you are forced to like others status. It means you can get likes to your photo or pages by liking others persons page or status. For that you need to turn on follow as i mention above. You may need the help of following sites.

2. Use Auto Liking Websites for facebook likes

Now using of auto liking websites are popular. By a single click itself you will get up to 100 likes. I will not recommend this method as these sites requires facebook access called token. Sharing such tokens to these sites are quite dangerous as there may be chance to get your account hacked. You need to turn on follow option as i mention earlier to get using this method. Like link exchanging websites i can’t tell you exact auto liking website url’s because these sites are updating their url’s weekly.
When I am posting this article some working fb autoliking websites are
I don’t know how exactly this works in future. The amount of like you get from auto liker depends on how much online users the site have at that moment. Try discovering new auto liking websites with google search engine.
Once i got 200+ like for my profile picture when I used which is now unavailable.

3 Buy fb likes

This is the most dangerous way to get likes. None of the above methods loose your money. But this method may cost you. Before buying fb likes do a detailed review of that website.
Check the below sites [ Not Recommended You Can Use Free Sites Mentioned Above ]
Using these methods, you can get unlimited likes for statues. Be stylish in front of your friends. Fake like mention are only for educational purpose. Don’t try frequently and lose your valuable acount.

Keep Visiting And Share With Your Friends Too.
