This zip file contains one perl file,, which reads the boot.img header (according to the bootimg.h of the android source code) to extract the kernel and ramdisk. the script also outputs the kernel command line and board name (if specified).. [part 1] edit boot.img to fix boot loop problem and edit init.rc to fix camera problem. Make a new folder named "boot edit" in cache/ pull your boot.img in this folder now open apktool. long press on "cache", click on get access permission. open cache folder and do same with boot edit..
[guide][mt6582 - 6592 - 6572] how to port cyanogenmod
Opensuse: sudo zypper install android-tools; fetch the boot.img file. extract the boot.img either for file or directly from the device: from the stock file: some applications like supersu may modify the boot.img directly on the device, replacing it with the stock one would break such applications.. Hello , i want to share with you a tool i found on the internet and i use for easy porting .it's called bootimg.exe and was created by cofface ,'s us [windows] easy boot.img splitter for kernel/ramdisk extraction. ,xiaomi miui official forum. This is a step-by-step guide on how to use carliv image kitchen to unpack & repack boot.img or recovery.img. it will come in handy for those who wish to port a custom recovery.