Centos 6.5 free download iso image in single direct link. get reliable high performance operating system with scalability. download centos 6.5 live cd iso. centos 6.5 overview. centos is a linux based open source program from red hat, which has made its mark in the open source community.. Centos is an open source, community-supported and enterprise-ready distribution of linux based on the publicly available sources of the commercial and highly acclaimed rhel (red hat enterprise linux) operating system.. In this brief tutorial, let us show you how i have upgraded my centos 7 kernel to the latest stable version. i am going to use a simple way so that beginners can easily understand how to upgrade to latest kernel..
Centos-based nethserver 6.6 distro officially released
The latest release (down to 1.6 on a best-effort basis) centos. centos linux is a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by red hat for red hat enterprise linux (rhel). as such, centos linux aims to be functionally compatible with rhel. the centos project mainly changes packages to remove upstream. In order to conserve the limited bandwidth available, iso images are not downloadable from mirror.centos.org the following mirrors in your region should have the iso images available:.